Gaining weight has become a nightmare today. It is the most common health problem which is currently found between people.

There are many reasons for gaining weight. Mostly people try to control their weight but sometimes it reacts the opposite way, to know that you should understand the reason behind gaining weight. The reasons may be surprise you.

Not eating enough:

Sometimes dieting can cause reverse effect, most of the people start dieting

When they want to lose weight but they don’t know that not eating enough can cause slow metabolism which can start storing fat in body.

Too much stress

Stress can make the body to go on crisis mode which slowdowns the body and start causing fat.

Low fat” food

Most of the people don’t know that low fat foods contain more calories than a normal food.

Lack of sleep

These are the most common reason which people don’t think can cause weight gain.

What to do?

The best way to lose weight is to start from a positive attitude and a good will power; surely it is not an easy task to do. You must be dedicated towards your fitness.  When it comes to losing weight normally people use to take fewer calories and burns more and they think it will make work.  Yeah it works if the calories taken are providing enough energy to your body. Starving doesn’t make you lose weight.

It should be done in balance way. Balanced diet and a balanced amount of work out can burn your calories much faster. The fastest way to lose weight is to take a balanced diet. You should avoid junk food and you should drop the concept of having 3 times meal a day, just eat when you are hungry.

Start taking salads and boiled foods, like boiled chicken, start taking oat meals at breakfast and avoid foods and drink which contains large amount of sugar. If you are taking eggs avoid is yellow part, eggs are full with protein but the yellow part is fat.  Do a proper work out. Running is the best way to lose weight but when you run or work out do not eat anything 2hours before and after running or workout. Don’t eat 3hours before sleeping.

The reasons of gaining weight is different for everyone, so people should take care of the basics of putting on weight, take a good sleep, avoid junk foods, take stairs except elevators, do not take any caffeine drinks or food after 4 after noon, do a proper work out daily, eat only when you are hungry. The most important things are these basic activities of our life on which we doesn’t focus and don’t even think how it can cause our health.