It is a well known fact that almost all of us prefers to wear light weight Bjj Gi instead of heavy one. In fact you can say that In simple words you can just say that it is more comfortable for martial art practitioners especially at the time of competitions.light material is highly preferred over heavy weight as it makes you feel comfortable. If you are about to purchase Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for the very first time and you are unsure that which type of Bjj Gi you should go for. This article is going to talk exactly about this topic. As far as the matter of heavy or light weight is concerned then it is not true that all practitioners prefers to chose light weight only.

For training purpose often light weight is recommended so that you may give your best in trainings session.In case you are getting confused in choosing the best online store for Bjj Gi then, here I am giving you the name of one such store that provides you many options for Jiu Jitsu Gi. K2 fight gear offers you many products like Bjj Gi premier in white, blue, and in black all are standard colors that you can wear anywhere.Sofiagarge is an expert in writing reviews on Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Gi  and recommends wearing high quality Jiu Jitsu Gi apparel for training and competition. some even likes to wear heavier Gi’s.Keeping in mind this fact, most new generation practitioners likes to have lighter weight Bjj Gi.