If you are doing a hop and so plant laborious along with your feet before jumping you'll pack the sand down beneath your feet and be able to jump a trifle higher rather than sinking before pop out. Let's look into some exercises that you just will do anyplace.  First, we'll take the jump squats. 

These square measure one amongst the simplest exercises for sport as a result of all of your jumps are going to be standing jumps which suggests you ne'er take associate approach.  With feet shoulder dimension apart you'll jump as high as you'll be able to and land in an exceedingly squat.  Squat down till your knees create a ninety angle.  This will mean that your thighs can essentially be parallel with the ground as a result of your shins can move slightly. 

If you are taking skating seriously then you'll be a bit like all alternative athletes and hit the athletic facility so as to extend performance on you board. You may be stunned to grasp that you just will increase your vet by a couple of inches in an exceedingly month by doing polymeric workouts.

The best effort I actually have done to extend my standing vet is by obtaining a chair regarding knee height and sitting in it with a high confine front of jumpevolution. From a seat position, jump up in associate exploding manner to land on prime of the box. This may teach you to squat deeper before jumping and you'll jump higher on the sand. More information  here login http://jumpevolution.com/.