Wondering How to Impress A Girl? Lasting good impression can be achieved in a day. What you need to do is come up with the right strategy. Here are techniques on how much to impress a girl easily.

Here are the top 5 tips on How to Impress a girl.

  1. Take note of your appearance. Don't even think about approaching a girl or going out with her if you are looking scruffy and untidy or a bit on the nose. Forget it!
  2. If you've arranged to take her out on a date or meet with her, don't be late! Girls like men who are and punctual and reliable.
  3. One of the important tips on How to Impress A Girl is to use your manners! If she's a girl who likes doors opened for her then don't just barge ahead leaving her behind so that the door slams back in her face!
  4. At the end of a meal, if you really want to impress a girl, offer to pay for the lot. Some girls will feel uncomfortable with that arrangement and will offer to pay for their share. Don't just tell her that she should pay half.
  5. Don't try to impress her by flaunting yourself. Girls like guys who show some self respect and have a sense of humor.

An important tip on How to Impress A Girl, is that you do not dominate the conversation. Don't talk so much that you don't give her a chance to speak. More Information https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZ0RdxQ_t6Y