The funeral is very emotional things which are happened in our family and that is become more critical when it’s about our parents (mother or father). The funeral speech is a very difficult to give but it is necessary. You should get prepared for it and say the positive things about death person.

The speech at the time of funeral is very emotional part of life but you should control your emotions at this time. The funeral speech is called Eulogy this very difficult to show your love, affection for death member. The funeral speech is a very best to give but you should take care about it, that should not be very long or short also.

If you will get more emotional so this speech spoils fully and you cannot express your view with more efficiency. The Eulogy speech is a more hard to give so for it you should prepared and check your emotions, expressions and way of talking in front of mirror.   

The preparation of this speech should be necessary and for it you can apply above method. The Eulogy speech has very important so start it with introduction and after it you can tell about the life of death member like, your mother or father. And after it you can add any of the favorite poem, song or festival of him/her. The Eulogy of anyone wants to listen by all relatives and family members of hi/her, so you should never tell any bad thing in front of them which hurt them.