The Eulogy speech we should write from heart and it should be true and better speech about anyone’s life. The Eulogy speech is a very emotional part of life; it is a very sensitive matter. For write a Eulogy you should mention following points:-

Honor merits:-

The honor merits of him/her you can tell in a second step, the achievement are included in this step. If they are posted in army or was social; worker so in this step you can tell the achievements of them. If you know school or college time achievements of him/her so, tell in Eulogy speech.

Honor character:-

The honor character of him/her you can tell in this step, the better things about your parents to say is, how they respect of others and how was the participate in any function of relatives, friends or neighbors you can tell in this step.

Honor special skills:-

When you write a Eulogy and tell it so, special skills honor is necessary to do. The finest skills of him/her you should tell and say about it in your Eulogy speech. If your father or mother in army so, what special they gain there is best to say in this step.

Contours of the deceased’s life:-            

In this step you should mention the life cycle or about whole life of died person in a short. The death one was how spends his/her life, you can tell in this step. The Whole life how was he/she spends that you should mention in this step. The Eulogy is a way of talking about death person life and we can give our point of views in this speech. Which type food he/she like and if you say about your mother so, what she like to cook like, cake, pastries and scones of pie etc tell in this step.