Now a day a problem that is creates in front of employee that’s their job is not secure in private sector so remove this problem. This Unemployment funds when an employee becomes unemployed or is not able to safe job due to illness then he can avail the financial aid which is offered by the A-kasse or unemployment insurance fund. A contributing worker passed away it also cover in this. If a worker works 24 hours with in each month then he is necessary to contribute to this fund. The employee is required to contribute 1 percent his or her salary for this insurance per month. Insurance fund for the self-employed can also achieve insurance fund. A business owner pays self-employment tax to the unemployment insurance fund and that is receive by the employee in the form of unemployment benefits.

They get frustrated and don’t pay attention to their work. To remove and solve these problems you can use unemployed insurance fund. Unemployment insurance usually requires fulfilling certain condition and these conditions have been set by the unemployment office. This condition is different for different state. A person seeking a box A-kasse or unemployment insurance fund should have lost his job. The money of this insurance comes from the tax which paid by the employers. This help you in trouble condition when you need it will help you when an employee who contribute in this insurance and due to some circumstances lost his job then he can claim for the insurance fund. Insurance fund for the self-employed can also achieve insurance fund.